The Secret of the Santa Barbara Courthouse Clock Tower

One of my favorite sights to show visitors in Santa Barbara is, oddly enough, the Courthouse. Not because it’s a place I spend much of my time (I have–miraculously–never been arrested, thank you very much) but because it is a beautiful and historic site that epitomizes the Spanish style architecture that defines Santa Barbara. The… Continue reading The Secret of the Santa Barbara Courthouse Clock Tower

Prioritizing Priorities: An apology and explanation

That's right, I DO know how to do awesomeness. As long as you believe a handmade, prize winning peacock costume to be awesome. Which you should.

If you’re a consistent reader of Kaleena’s Kaleidoscope (giant Heimlich squeezing hug of thanks to you!) you may have noticed I’ve been mysteriously… absent lately, cropping up periodically only to post half-inspired little ditties and photos. I have been violating the first gospel of blogging, which is posting consistently and frequently. So smite me down,… Continue reading Prioritizing Priorities: An apology and explanation

European Memories: The Birth of my Wanderlust

In browsing through old photos on my computer, I came across a file of pictures I hadn’t looked at in ages. As I scrolled through, a wave of memories surged over me–each as vivid and colorful as if they’d happened yesterday. I didn’t expect the memories to be so clear, especially since I can’t usually… Continue reading European Memories: The Birth of my Wanderlust

That Time I Ate Wilbur: A Pig Roast in the Philippines

As we near the quintessential American holiday of Thanksgiving and my facebook news feed brims with statuses of thankfulness and “how the hell am I going to cook this turkey” fears, I find myself wondering if this will be my last Thanksgiving celebration in this country for a while. Since I’ll be moving to Korea… Continue reading That Time I Ate Wilbur: A Pig Roast in the Philippines

The Painted Cabernet: Getting classy drunk with a paintbrush

I am no artist. My drawing skills are so heinous that I used to ask my little sister do my posters for school presentations. I tried to take an art class once, but when I proudly displayed my moon-over-the-ocean landscape that more resembled a Moon-Over-My Hammy breakfast plate, the teacher just patted me on the… Continue reading The Painted Cabernet: Getting classy drunk with a paintbrush

Travel Tuesday: The Perfect Vacation Day

On days like today when I am frustrated, tired, and wondering what really is the point of life if it’s going to be such drudgery, I find myself drifting off into my travel memories of warm beaches, mountainous vistas, urban sparkles, and quiet desert solitude. I have a handful of experiences that I mentally keep… Continue reading Travel Tuesday: The Perfect Vacation Day

7 Things I Love About My Commute

Desk jobs have a tendency to make you feel fat. Well, actually, they have a tendency to make you fat, which in turn makes you feel fat. It’s a vicious cycle. Recently, however, I decided to put an end to all this fatness business and be all hip and trendy with a “standing desk”. I… Continue reading 7 Things I Love About My Commute

Travel Tuesday: Sunsets and Beaches of the Philippines

When I was trying to decide what to share this week for Travel Tuesday I knew I wanted to talk about my trip to the Philippines last year, but where to begin? There are so many stories… Like the night we slept on a beach as the only inhabitants on a tiny island; or the… Continue reading Travel Tuesday: Sunsets and Beaches of the Philippines

On cake and life lessons

I sat at the kitchen table and sliced my fork through the leftover half of the double layer cake. Funfetti, mmm. A party in my mouth. To my right, a cup of frozen yogurt; to my left, a box of gourmet cupcakes. As I raised the fork to my mouth, I frowned and pondered aloud,… Continue reading On cake and life lessons

Travel Tuesday: Surprise Parade in Panama City

After living in a hut in the jungle for a year, you’d probably be fiending for some cheese, too.                   MY LONG TIME FRIEND, Hallie, and I had just emerged from her site in the Panamanian jungle as a peace corps volunteer and survived a grueling 12-hour… Continue reading Travel Tuesday: Surprise Parade in Panama City

A Local’s Guide to the Perfect Sunday in Santa Barbara

My skin is sun drenched and my brain is fuzzy with blissful exhaustion. I’m not on vacation, I’m not on some remote tropical island, I’m not even celebrating anything–today was just another Sunday afternoon here in Santa Barbara. And yet, it was perfect. It never ceases to amaze me how lucky I am to live… Continue reading A Local’s Guide to the Perfect Sunday in Santa Barbara