Dream Come True: Swimming with Wild Dolphins in New Zealand

People often ask me where my favorite places are or what my best experience was while on my round-the-world trip. Let me be honest: I hate those kinds of questions. How can I narrow down 18 months of mind blowingly amazing and diverse experiences into a single sentence?! But the truth is there was one… Continue reading Dream Come True: Swimming with Wild Dolphins in New Zealand

First Day Volunteering at a Refugee Camp in Greece

Butterflies danced. Not the beautiful ones fluttering around flowers—there were none of those to be found on this dusty, rock filled road—but the kind in my stomach to signal the nerves of a new beginning. We rounded the corner, a hand painted sign reading “Solidarity for Refugees” draped across a fence, and children darted from… Continue reading First Day Volunteering at a Refugee Camp in Greece

Korean Temples: The Beauty in the Details

Walking along our local hiking trail I pointed out a tiny bug on the ground and commented on its interesting shape. My friend gave me a strange look and exclaimed, “How on earth did you see that?!” I laughed and explained to her that I am a details person. Where others see a vast landscape,… Continue reading Korean Temples: The Beauty in the Details

Superstitions on Korean Suneung Test Day

The entire country of Korea came to a halt this morning. Businesses opened late, flights were grounded, high schools closed for the day, and people were encouraged to stay off the roads. Rows of flags lined the streets and emergency personnel stood ready to assist. If you think it sounds like the start of a war… Continue reading Superstitions on Korean Suneung Test Day

The Realities of Hiking in Korea

Last weekend I was surprised to find myself hiking 20km up a mountain. I mean, I knew that I would be hiking; what was casually omitted by the friend who planned it was the length of the trail and the severity of the incline. Not that knowing in advance would have changed anything. I still… Continue reading The Realities of Hiking in Korea

WWOOFing on the Cutest Little Farm in Korea

My dear friend Emily is what we affectionately call “a total food hippy”. She ferments her own food, her eyes light up at the mention of bacteria, and she could talk for days about seeds and planting fruit trees. So, appropriately, one of the first things she did when she arrived in Korea earlier this… Continue reading WWOOFing on the Cutest Little Farm in Korea

A Road Trip to a Remote Land, Goheung Island

I believe in road trips. I believe in pit stops to frolic in flower fields. I believe in hiking to the top of a mountain. I believe in finding the most remote beach possible. I believe in oceanside cooking. I believe in sunset yoga poses.   Last weekend three girlfriends and I decided to get the heck… Continue reading A Road Trip to a Remote Land, Goheung Island