Ok, so this picture was actually taken about two hours after sunrise. Oops. But after sleeping in a noisy mountain shelter we couldn’t bring ourselves to go outside at the literal crack of dawn. Anyway, because I have an affinity for alliteration, here are some other “S” words that described me and my day: Sunny as… Continue reading Sunday Sunrise at Jirisan
Author: kaleenamq
Hello From a Snoring Mountain Shelter
This is Kaleena, reporting to you live from the Korea Fart and Snore Bonanza 2014, Jirisan Mountain Edition. We spent 5 hours nonstop hiking a mountain today and arrived at the top to happily find a nice shelter with sleeping bunks. We’re currently in a small room of approximately 75 men, women, and children. Because… Continue reading Hello From a Snoring Mountain Shelter
Ridiculous Moments From My Day
I awoke to a message from my neighbor downstairs asking if I’d heard the people I share a wall with at 2am. Apparently they had an all out brawl for two hours with screaming, banging, throwing things, and a crying baby. Eventually the police were called. I slept through it all. Let’s hope North Korea… Continue reading Ridiculous Moments From My Day
The 100 Day Countdown
Koreans tend to celebrate anniversaries and countdowns in days, not months and years. A couple will celebrate their 100 day anniversary (and if they make it that far, it’s considered a pretty big deal), and later their 300 day, 500 day, etc. Yesterday was a momentous occasion for me if I were to use… Continue reading The 100 Day Countdown
Adventures in Korean Skincare & My Favorite Product
Before Korea, skincare was never on my radar. I know, it’s an absolute blasphemy, but I was lucky enough to have been born with decent skin and words like “maintenance” and “prevention” never really crossed my mind. Then… dun dun dun… the wrinkles came. I’m 28 years old, which is too damn… Continue reading Adventures in Korean Skincare & My Favorite Product
Fall Colors and Lunch in a Cloud at Seoraksan
About a year ago I made a bucket list of the places I wanted to go in Korea and Seoraksan, Korea’s most popular mountain range, had been at the top of the list. Somehow, though, time slipped by and I finally came to accept that it just wasn’t going to happen. It was too far… Continue reading Fall Colors and Lunch in a Cloud at Seoraksan
The Penis Pinata and other ways I fail at teaching
I am not a certified teacher. I took a weekend course, someone gave me an official-looking piece of paper, and the next thing I knew I was standing in front of a classroom of 30 students who didn’t speak my language, under the pretense that I would somehow educate them. It’s been interesting, to… Continue reading The Penis Pinata and other ways I fail at teaching
11 Things I Love About Korea
Oh, Korea. Land of stinky kimchi, robotic K-pop, pushy old ladies, and obnoxious selfies. It’s a place unlike any other, and at times I find myself spiraling down a rabbit hole of negativity about it all. But while I don’t see eye to eye with many facets of Korean culture, there are still a number… Continue reading 11 Things I Love About Korea
Attempting Another New Challenge: NaBloPoMo
Let’s talk about challenges. I am terrible at challenges. I have tried food challenges. Exercise challenges. Writing challenges. Last month I tried to do a self-imposed no drinking challenge for 21 days. I made it to day 7. (I couldn’t sit on the beach with my friends and not help them drink that delicious mango… Continue reading Attempting Another New Challenge: NaBloPoMo
WWOOFing on the Cutest Little Farm in Korea
My dear friend Emily is what we affectionately call “a total food hippy”. She ferments her own food, her eyes light up at the mention of bacteria, and she could talk for days about seeds and planting fruit trees. So, appropriately, one of the first things she did when she arrived in Korea earlier this… Continue reading WWOOFing on the Cutest Little Farm in Korea
A Road Trip to a Remote Land, Goheung Island
I believe in road trips. I believe in pit stops to frolic in flower fields. I believe in hiking to the top of a mountain. I believe in finding the most remote beach possible. I believe in oceanside cooking. I believe in sunset yoga poses. Last weekend three girlfriends and I decided to get the heck… Continue reading A Road Trip to a Remote Land, Goheung Island
A Goodbye Letter To My Passport
Dear Passport, Do you remember when you arrived almost ten years ago? I was so excited to see you… until I actually saw you. God, you were ugly. Not really all of you, but that photo! What on earth happened to the photo?! I sent in a perfectly decent photo and somehow you came back… Continue reading A Goodbye Letter To My Passport