On Remembering Birthdays and the Seoul Lotus Lantern Festival

I’m notoriously bad with remembering birthdays. It’s not even that I’ve forgotten your birthday, it’s more that I am completely unaware of the present date and how it might relate to your special day.   There was that time that I messaged one of my best friends to tell her I was drunk on a… Continue reading On Remembering Birthdays and the Seoul Lotus Lantern Festival

Sh*t My Students Write

Kids say the darndest things; that’s a constant across cultures. But add a foreign language to the mix and the often twisted humor of Korean children, and they can cook up some really bizarre comments. I’ll save the funny things my kids say in class for another post, but for now I’ll share a few… Continue reading Sh*t My Students Write

Fatty McFatterson Joins a Korean Gym

You may have seen my recent Korean Food Porn post, or remember that Santa Barbara Food Fest I had, or heard me talk about the mass quantities of cupcakes I’ve been consuming lately.   In case I haven’t made it clear, let me state it now: I. Love. Cupcakes.   I also enjoy stuffing my… Continue reading Fatty McFatterson Joins a Korean Gym

Lights, Camera, Action! A Korean Wedding

The vice principal of the school where I work has taken particular interest in the Native English Teachers that pass through over the years. My coteacher whispered to me that Jonathan, the last NET, was always “invited” to (read: required to attend) many of the VP’s events; and I am no exception. A few weeks… Continue reading Lights, Camera, Action! A Korean Wedding

When Tragedy Strikes at Home: An Expat’s Point of View

Living halfway across the world, you would think I’d feel somewhat disconnected from my country. That the happenings there would suddenly feel dim and distant, like they were no longer a reality in my own little bubble of life. To an extent, they do; since I’m not surrounded by American media, and 99% of the… Continue reading When Tragedy Strikes at Home: An Expat’s Point of View

Little Moments and the Happiness of Three Dumplings

When you move to another country, your life is suddenly boiled down to the basics. You are not living the exotic and grandiose life that everyone back home thinks you are just because they saw a few smiling pictures on facebook. Everything becomes a challenge and you suddenly struggle with the simplest of tasks.  … Continue reading Little Moments and the Happiness of Three Dumplings

Food Porn: What I’ve Been Eating in Korea

A few months ago, the only thing I knew about Korean food was kimchi. And I didn’t even really know what kimchi was, only that it was pickled and pungent and I probably wouldn’t like it. I told everyone I would lose weight easily in Korea because I just wouldn’t be eating. How very, very… Continue reading Food Porn: What I’ve Been Eating in Korea

12 little ways life is different in Korea

It’s strange how a period of time can simultaneously feel like a moment and an eternity.   It’s been 45 days in Korea, now. I remember the day I arrived like it was yesterday, but it feels like a year’s worth of experiences crammed in, since. I’ve been told that all expats go through “culture… Continue reading 12 little ways life is different in Korea

My New Life in “Dynamic Korea”: A Photo Essay

Koreans love to use the word “dynamic” when describing their country. In fact, I think it may even be their official national tagline. While the word may be another case of poor translation (the Konglish around here is prevalent, puzzling, and hilarious), I’m pretty sure that what they’re going for is the idea that Korea… Continue reading My New Life in “Dynamic Korea”: A Photo Essay

Day One on the Job in Korea: Diary Style

My computer, my classroom key, and my class schedule

Stayed up most of the night preparing my powerpoint presentation for the first class lesson. Walked to school and genuinely hoped I wouldn’t poop my pants in nervousness. Had a morning assembly where the teachers walked on stage and were introduced—I didn’t recognize when they said my name, so someone had to tell me I… Continue reading Day One on the Job in Korea: Diary Style

Seoul Delicious: My First Impressions of South Korea

My bags were too full, so to get through security I had to wear several jackets and stuff pants and shirts into all my pockets. At the Korean airport, my overweight suitcases spilled off my cart into the middle of a crowded walkway and people stepped over me with wayward glances. When the bus dropped… Continue reading Seoul Delicious: My First Impressions of South Korea