6 Interesting (and hilarious) Things About Teaching in Thailand

Surprise! I live in Thailand now! The last place I wrote about was Vietnam (and how I fell in love), and I completely skipped over my travels through Cambodia. I’ll get back to those, but for now I’ll tell you about my current adventure and new job in middle-of-nowhere, Thailand.   A few weeks ago… Continue reading 6 Interesting (and hilarious) Things About Teaching in Thailand

Saying Goodbye to Korea After 2 Years

I’ve never been good at goodbyes. How can anyone be good at them, really? One goodbye never makes the next easier. What I struggle with most in saying farewell is how much emotion to put into it. Some people break down sobbing, or at least tear up and give that long, emotional gaze to show… Continue reading Saying Goodbye to Korea After 2 Years

The Great Things About Being Abroad For Christmas

Facebook can be your worst enemy if you are abroad for the holidays. Seeing photos of friends and family gathering back home, reading posts about Christmas trees and peppermint lattes, and all of the general merriment of the season being expounded upon you from every outlet can give a major case of FOMO and homesickness.… Continue reading The Great Things About Being Abroad For Christmas

Are You Not Entertained?! Winning an Award at the KBlog Awards

You might be shocked to learn that I used to do pageants. It is, in fact, partially how I managed to graduate college debt free. One thing about pageants I noticed (aside from butt glue) is that when the girls won, they always managed to make that oh my gosh I’m SO surprised, but I… Continue reading Are You Not Entertained?! Winning an Award at the KBlog Awards

Confessions of a Single Girl Who Lives Alone

The beautiful thing about moving to Korea was that I could finally have my own place. Let’s face it, even with good jobs right out of college, most of us millennials can’t afford to live without roommates; unless we have a significant other to shack up with, we find ourselves sharing a roof with other… Continue reading Confessions of a Single Girl Who Lives Alone

What a Phone Booth in Panama is Reminding Us

  A few years ago I wandered through the cobblestone streets of the historic Casco Viejo neighborhood in Panama City, Panama. In the midst of gentrification, the area was an eerie juxtaposition of old and new. You could pass by a hipster cafe with a facade painted in vibrant shades of pinks and blues, and… Continue reading What a Phone Booth in Panama is Reminding Us

Failing and Other Things From My Weekend

Well folks, I went and did it. I blew my 30 day writing challenge. I didn’t post on Friday OR Saturday. GASP! For shame! In my defense, I was busy doing very important real-life things, like getting my hair done to a surprisingly darker-than-requested shade,   having a girlie movie night with a friend during… Continue reading Failing and Other Things From My Weekend

The Realities of Hiking in Korea

Last weekend I was surprised to find myself hiking 20km up a mountain. I mean, I knew that I would be hiking; what was casually omitted by the friend who planned it was the length of the trail and the severity of the incline. Not that knowing in advance would have changed anything. I still… Continue reading The Realities of Hiking in Korea

The 100 Day Countdown

Koreans tend to celebrate anniversaries and countdowns in days, not months and years. A couple will celebrate their 100 day anniversary (and if they make it that far, it’s considered a pretty big deal), and later their 300 day, 500 day, etc.   Yesterday was a momentous occasion for me if I were to use… Continue reading The 100 Day Countdown

Adventures in Korean Skincare & My Favorite Product

  Before Korea, skincare was never on my radar. I know, it’s an absolute blasphemy, but I was lucky enough to have been born with decent skin and words like “maintenance” and “prevention” never really crossed my mind.   Then… dun dun dun… the wrinkles came.   I’m 28 years old, which is too damn… Continue reading Adventures in Korean Skincare & My Favorite Product

The Penis Pinata and other ways I fail at teaching

I am not a certified teacher. I took a weekend course, someone gave me an official-looking piece of paper, and the next thing I knew I was standing in front of a classroom of 30 students who didn’t speak my language, under the pretense that I would somehow educate them.   It’s been interesting, to… Continue reading The Penis Pinata and other ways I fail at teaching