A Road Trip to a Remote Land, Goheung Island

I believe in road trips. I believe in pit stops to frolic in flower fields. I believe in hiking to the top of a mountain. I believe in finding the most remote beach possible. I believe in oceanside cooking. I believe in sunset yoga poses.   Last weekend three girlfriends and I decided to get the heck… Continue reading A Road Trip to a Remote Land, Goheung Island

Adventures in Bako National Park, Borneo

It was my second day of traveling alone in Borneo. I’d spent a few days searching for crocodiles on the Kinabatangan river followed by another four days dodging pirates in Mabul, but those days had been with friends; now, here I was, heading to a small, uninhabited island off the west coast of Borneo to… Continue reading Adventures in Bako National Park, Borneo

10 Things I Learned in My First 10 Days as a “Solo Female Backpacker”

I fought back the tears as I hugged Chelyn goodbye at the airport in Borneo and wished her a safe flight home. Not so much because I would miss her (though I would, of course) but because I now faced 10 days of travel in a third world country– as well as Singapore and peninsular… Continue reading 10 Things I Learned in My First 10 Days as a “Solo Female Backpacker”

Crocodile Diaries: Adventures On the Kinabatangan River in Borneo

Click click. The buzz of the motor muffled the satisfying click of my shutter as we cruised up the Kinabatangan river. The sun beat down on us from a clear azure sky flanked by wispy clouds in the distance, and reflected pictures in the muddy colored water of the lush green trees along the banks.… Continue reading Crocodile Diaries: Adventures On the Kinabatangan River in Borneo

Jungles, Beaches, Monkeys, and My Epic Trip to Borneo

It’s midnight. Eighteen long hours of travel and I’ve finally arrived, sweaty and exhausted, at the hostel in Borneo. We have five hours until we have to be back to the airport to catch our morning flight. I expect some hugs and giggles when I see my friends, some chatting and catching up before getting… Continue reading Jungles, Beaches, Monkeys, and My Epic Trip to Borneo

The Truth About Boryeong Mud Festival

Somehow I knew about the Boryeong Mud Festival, or more commonly referred to as Mudfest, before I even arrived in Korea. I’m not sure where I first learned of it; it was just the ubiquitous event that all expats in Korea raved about as THE party of the year. So, naturally, when summer rolled around… Continue reading The Truth About Boryeong Mud Festival

Weird Korea: Forced to Fake Vote in a Bamboo Theme Park

On my 25th birthday my (awesome) friends hung posters around my house saying the 25 things they loved about me. Along with phrases like, “She’s the only one I’d go to an Indian buffet and then try on spandex with” (because it really happened), one poster read, “You can meet the strangest people on the… Continue reading Weird Korea: Forced to Fake Vote in a Bamboo Theme Park

The Awesome & Inspiring Person I Met From CouchSurfing

At 2am the doorbell rang. I peered out the window with some trepidation, wondering if this person might be a serial killer, but opened the door for the stranger anyway. In front of me stood a British man with a chipped tooth and a rucksack; we’d never met, but I smiled and invited him in.… Continue reading The Awesome & Inspiring Person I Met From CouchSurfing

A Korean Road Trip To Goeje and Namhae Islands

The 5am alarm obliterated my peaceful slumber, and the butterflies immediately fluttered in my stomach. Today was the day! My first Korean road trip. And I was somewhat terrified.   One of my best friends from home was visiting me in Korea for two weeks and I’d promised to give her a tour to some… Continue reading A Korean Road Trip To Goeje and Namhae Islands

Hitting the Slopes (and why I will probably never ski again)

Everyone raved about the ski trips in Korea. Having lived in California my whole life I don’t even know how to walk in snow, much less strap large boards to my feet and propel myself forward in snow. But I let my friends persuade me to give it a try and I figured after teaching… Continue reading Hitting the Slopes (and why I will probably never ski again)

This Adventure Was Not My Cup of Tea

Despite the sweltering summer heat, my friend, Allie, and I spent a casual Sunday in June wandering to various sites around Daegu in a half-hearted bid to do something “cultural”. We meandered through the oriental medicine district near downtown and I suddenly had the bright idea that this would be a good area to find… Continue reading This Adventure Was Not My Cup of Tea