Sunday Sunrise at Jirisan

Jirisan sunriseOk, so this picture was actually taken about two hours after sunrise. Oops. But after sleeping in a noisy mountain shelter we couldn’t bring ourselves to go outside at the literal crack of dawn. Anyway, because I have an affinity for alliteration, here are some other “S” words that described me and my day:

Sunny as compared to yesterday, during which it rained as we climbed the largest mountain in mainland Korea

Silent oh the sweet sound of silence is a rare and beautiful thing in this country but on top of a mountain it actually exists

Shaky my legs after going down a mountain for 10km today

Starving all day. Stuffed myself with BBQ and ice cream and still could eat more

Stressed because I still have to lesson plan for tomorrow

Sleepy because–did I mention?–I hiked 20 km this weekend






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