The Reality of Volunteering at a Refugee Camp

I wish I could share with you all of the stories bursting from my head. I wish I could make you understand the energy and heartbreak that pulsates from a single rocky encampment in northern Greece. I wish that I didn’t have to want these things, that it weren’t real, that helpless tears didn’t drip… Continue reading The Reality of Volunteering at a Refugee Camp

First Day Volunteering at a Refugee Camp in Greece

Butterflies danced. Not the beautiful ones fluttering around flowers—there were none of those to be found on this dusty, rock filled road—but the kind in my stomach to signal the nerves of a new beginning. We rounded the corner, a hand painted sign reading “Solidarity for Refugees” draped across a fence, and children darted from… Continue reading First Day Volunteering at a Refugee Camp in Greece