Well folks, I went and did it. I blew my 30 day writing challenge. I didn’t post on Friday OR Saturday. GASP! For shame! In my defense, I was busy doing very important real-life things, like getting my hair done to a surprisingly darker-than-requested shade,
having a girlie movie night with a friend during which we thought we were watching the first episode of the TV show Fargo, but actually wound up watching the original 1996 movie and didn’t realize it til the next day when we couldn’t find episode 2 on Netflix…
doing a cleanse in which I basically drank a gallon of salt water, did some yoga moves, and (sorry to be graphic) peed out my butt,
and crawling out of my hermit cave to go downtown and drink Korean raisin tea in lieu of alcohol and take group selfies in the toilet.
If those aren’t good enough excuses for not writing for two days, then I don’t know what to tell you. To my handful of loyal readers (hi parents…), have no fear, I’m going to finish out the month anyway. It’s like running a race and falling in the middle of it and, even though you know you can’t win because everyone else just passed you (and you definitely don’t have mad running skills like this girl), you get up and finish the race anyway.
As a little teaser for this coming week’s posts, I think I’m finally going to edit my photos from my trips this year and share some fun stories and pics! I’ve got more crazy stories from Borneo, Singapore, and Malaysia, and lots of gorgeous photos from Taiwan. Happy Sunday!
I like that you’re still going to give it a go. Too many people that I’ve read give up after missing a couple of posts.
Well I figure I might be a screw up but I’m not a quitter! 😉