The Real Reason I’m Traveling Africa Alone

Crammed into the plane with hardly an inch of personal space, tears streamed down my cheeks. Heading to a new continent, I knew I should be happy, excited, and eager for this new adventure. But the feelings were mixed and a bitterness rested on my tongue.   I never wanted to go to Africa alone.… Continue reading The Real Reason I’m Traveling Africa Alone

When Travel and Real Life Collide: A Story of Love, Chaos, & Change

There is a commonly held belief that long-term travel is not “real life.” After embarking on a round the world trip 10 months ago, I can’t count the number of people who have asked me when I’m going to return to “real life” or what my plans are when I come back to “reality.” It… Continue reading When Travel and Real Life Collide: A Story of Love, Chaos, & Change

Confessions of a Single Girl Who Lives Alone

The beautiful thing about moving to Korea was that I could finally have my own place. Let’s face it, even with good jobs right out of college, most of us millennials can’t afford to live without roommates; unless we have a significant other to shack up with, we find ourselves sharing a roof with other… Continue reading Confessions of a Single Girl Who Lives Alone

Falling in Love… Or Fish Tanks

When I began telling people back home that I was moving to Korea, there seemed to be an inevitable and predictable thought process for the listener: confusion (“wait, where?”); shock (“but, umm, why?!”); fear (“but isn’t North Korea trying to bomb them or something?”); and excitement (“oh it sounds like such an adventure!”). Then came… Continue reading Falling in Love… Or Fish Tanks

Cleaning Up the Mess from “Don’t Date a Girl Who Travels”

I’ve lost track of who even started it, but somewhere along the way the internet became overrun with a series of sappy and cliche articles about whether or not to date boys and girls who travel.  A couple of friends recently sent me the latest post titled “Don’t date a girl who travels”, because it… Continue reading Cleaning Up the Mess from “Don’t Date a Girl Who Travels”

50 Shades of my Absurd Dating Life

                  It’s hard to believe a year has gone by of sleeping alone in my own bed. To commemorate the occasion, I’ve decided to reflect on the last year of my “romantic” life, and in doing so, I’ve realized I might as well share it with the… Continue reading 50 Shades of my Absurd Dating Life