Let’s talk about challenges. I am terrible at challenges. I have tried food challenges. Exercise challenges. Writing challenges. Last month I tried to do a self-imposed no drinking challenge for 21 days. I made it to day 7. (I couldn’t sit on the beach with my friends and not help them drink that delicious mango rum cocktail, could I?! That would just be selfish!) I also tried to do a no sugar challenge. To be fair, I never was very committed to that one, because it literally lasted 22 hours. About the only challenge I might ever be successful at is a sleeping challenge. Or maybe an ice cream eating challenge.
Yet here I am, signing myself up for yet another CHALLENGE. This time, though, there is a whole community to hold me accountable so I am determined to finish!
What’s the challenge? To write a blog post every.single.day during the month of November.
Who’s crazy ass idea was this? Is there a prize of unlimited ice cream?
Every year BloHer hosts NaBloPoMo (National Blog Post Month–get it?) as a spin-off of NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month, a challenge to write an entire novel within a month). It’s simply a way to motivate you to write more and get those posts up that you might be procrastinating on. And while I’ll probably just have to buy ice cream for myself at the end, the real reward is the community and networking opportunities surrounding the challenge. I’m excited to participate with a group of other lovely writers and make new blogging buddies!
But, um, you can barely write 4 posts a month. How are you going to last?
I usually spend hours curating and editing photos, and more hours painstakingly writing and crafting stories. My posts may take on a different form this month and sometimes become more journal entry like, but that’s alright. Maybe it’s a good thing. I have a tendency to say “I’ll write about that later when I have more time”, but the truth is I never have more time and, sadly, many stories and experiences never get recorded. So I’m just gonna put on my Crossfit face (ooohh, did you know I do Crossfit? yep, I joined the cult) and GIT’ER DONE!
So what are you going to ramble on about for the next 30 days?
I have a list as long as my arm of posts I’ve been meaning to write for ages, so hopefully I’ll catch up on most of those. Did you know I went to Singapore? And Kuala Lumpur? And Taiwan? So many travel stories still to tell! And there are oh-so-many things about Korea to talk about, too. Things like my favorite winter desserts, things Koreans do that drive me crazy, and my photo collection of hilarious Konglish shirts. And if I’m short on ideas for a day, NaBloPoMo provides daily prompts!
Sounds like all the cool kids are doing it, can I join?
Yes!!! Drink the Kool-Aid with us! Here’s the info page: NaBloPoMo November 2014
Think I can do it? Now accepting bets and wagers… and also cheers of good luck!
Hey there, I found you via the NaBloPoMo blogroll.
As part of NaBloPoMo I challenge myself try to comment on as many participating blogs as I can, and I add all participating blogs to my feed reader.
So I’m just dropping by to let you know I’ve added your blog to my feedreader, I’m reading you loud and clear, I have a link up going at my place so my readers can find participating blogs which you are more than welcome to add your blog link to.
Looking forward to seeing your posts, and you’ll likely see me drop by again during November.
Happy NaBloPoMo to you!
Thanks for stopping by! Looking forward to reading your posts and good luck with the challenge! 🙂
crazy girl